Sunday, January 6, 2008

APPU BABY!!!! Things will be all right….

“Appu…love you so much,,,its nice to see you so strong and level headed.
It is still so difficult to digest the fact that Aparna Das is clear about what she wants from life..what she expects and what her priorities are..”
A cup of coffee and some toast…Two stupid people and Pune’s MG road.
9 AM
CCD >>>> George>>>>Barista
She treated me everywhere that day…J
Hey girl. It just a matter of few more years ..a lil more stuggles…and a lil more tears..
But hang on..things will be great and things will be right..
Don’t give up on what you believe in…that’s the most important thing…don’t lose faith,,,everything else will just pass by..
Don’t wanna preach to a lawyer..:P
And hey….You have started looking really beautiful…I know it’s a lil too late..but so what…atleast I am sure you don’t get these kinda complimets from anywhere else…


aparna said...

anant!thanx a ton!!!!!!
[and you know i always mean it!]
thanx for being my buddy!
and guess what???[ditto for you]
"anant baby things will be all right!"
you take care~(ulterior motive)i need you!

SMN said...

Hey ananth, i am Aparnas collegue and i completely agree wth u.. thnx for wwriting and letting her know about it.


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