No affirmations, no abandonment, not much of thinking at all.
Get up, brush your teeth, take a bath, go to office, do your work, hang out with friends if you feel like, listen to music, eat a lot, stare at the phone ringing, chew gum, watch some movies, learn some coding, read maximum city, call up home, sleep, wake up, body ache and venting dreams.
The daemons of the past have been long gone. There is no corner in my mind or my heart for them.
Not even reminiscing of a subconscious mind.
Free as a bird in these venting dreams, only to realize when you wake up that your wings have been tied and your flight is short.
A desire to gain freedom from inhibitions, responsibilities, worries, memories, control, expectations and forbiddance.
Two steps at a time I move ahead and one step at a time I am pulled back.