RAIN …The noise, the smell, the scene....
Sitting next to the windows and staring at the rain, Mr buddy is lost as usual in his own world,,
The sand stretches as far as he can see..and nothing else is visible...
An eagle in the blue sky with its wings spread..Mr. Buddy doesn't feel the same..
A snail trying to reach the shore, waiting for the water to carry it back to the ocean..Mr. Buddy is confused...
A kid waiting for his dad to come and pick him up from school...its been quite some time since the last bell rang..Mr. Buddy >> WHAT?? now where is this heading..
A soldier stranded in the enemy territory, wounded..with hopes zeroing down..and with nothing else but memories to keep him company ..Mr. Buddy says >> No Comments..
It starts raining heavily now..A real heavy downpour!!
Don't really know the exact word for the situation..but Mr Buddy can feel some pulses pass through him..right from his toe to his head..He is fighting the urge inside him, a part in him dragging him out ..out of his home to the rain outside..and a part inside him stopping him and asking him to continue with his random thoughts( day dreaming..) and telling him that he shud keep away from the rain..
for a moment he gets up, and in the very next moment he is relaxing back in the bed staring at the drops of rain as they fall on the earth..
Rain drops >>THOSE LITTLE PEARLS >> they look beautiful, each one falling from the clouds, through the sky, creating ripples and music as they fall on this thirsty earth..
the music they create is sweet to some ears and pain and agony to the others..its good time's for some, a time that promises a good harvest, good returns and for some it brings death, destruction and pain..
Mr. Buddy is lost in translation..his eyes fixed on the circles, the innumerable circles that these drops make when they hit the earth..
A moment manages to stay fixed for quite some time...a lot more than other things in Buddy's life..
The first drop falls on his eyes, the next on his forehead and in a few more seconds, Buddy is drenched in water,..
This time the rain drops are taking a lil more time to reach the earth...
and as these rain drops traverse his face from the forehead to his chin, the rain drops take along with them a few more drops, that go unnoticed in the eyes of eveyone, all excpet Mr. Buddy and the rain!!!